Exercise Rehabilitation

Sport and exercise rehabilitation seeks to understand the cause of sporting injury by using a comprehensive assessment strategy using biomechanical analysis and functional movement screening to unearth the root of the problem not just treat the symptoms. Usually the sports rehabilitator works at the mid to late stage of rehabilitation of injury or illness by using the most innovative and dynamic scientific training methods.

Exercise Rehabilitation
£ 45
60 Minutes

Because the session involves analyzing functional movement it is best to wear clothing that is comfortable, preferably shorts and a t-shirt so that both static and dynamic posture can be observed. You may be asked a number of lifestyle questions so that our rehabilitation coach knows exactly where to start treatment or a physical training regime.

This very much depends on the nature of your illness or injury but our job is to get you fit and healthy in the safest and healthiest manor. After our rehabilitator has conducted a full assessment your treatment plan will be fully discussed with you and then you can decide how you would like to proceed. Depending on our findings, you may require just 2 or 3 sessions and for more chronic and complex problems you may need several treatments.